
Þinn sérfræðingur í CRM

Um Stirna

Stirna Consulting er ráðgjafafyrirtæki og Microsoft samstarfsaðili sem er með aðsetur í Reykjavík. Stofnandi og framkvæmdastjóri er Illugi Hjaltalín, doktorsnemi í rafrænni stjórnsýslu og gervigreind í HR og sérfræðingur í viðskiptalausnum Microsoft. Stirna býr yfir sérþekkingu í hugbúnaðarráðgjöf og -þróun og býður þjónustu sína til fyrirtækja og stofnana á Íslandi og erlendis. Stirna sérhæfir sig í Microsoft Dynamics 365 customer relationship management (CRM) og Power Apps viðskiptalausnum, innleiðingu, aðlögun og ráðgjöf.

Sjá nánar

Stirna has been invaluable, Illugi Hjaltalin immediately wrapped his arms around the project and got to work with our project team. The collaboration and support was second to none. Stirna’s support lead to increased time to market and improved problem solving.

Mike Balm, framkvæmdarstjóri Emergo Wealth

Lestu reynslusöguna hér (á ensku).


GhatGPT and Microsoft

Earlier this year (Jan 2023), Microsoft announced its partnership with OpenAI concerning artificial intelligence (AI) development in the coming years. This announcement was particularly interesting because, just a few weeks earlier, OpenAI released ChatGPT3, which caught the world by surprise, to say the least. So what does this mean for Microsoft users, in particular those…

Sending HTML emails through Dynamics 365

Task: Send HTML email though Dynamics 365Difficulty: AdvancedTime to implement: 1-2 hours Tracking emails is a popular feature in Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement. You can track emails by connecting your mailbox with Microsoft Exchange and either use the Dynamics 365 app for Outlook or Dynamics 365 email capabilities to send out emails. Companies see great…